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Believe Project - Power of Words Project


The Believe Project

Iron Mountain, Michigan 2013

After partnering with the Iron Mountain Downtown Development Authority and it’s Main Street Commission, a vote was launched community wide for the One Word that defined what they wanted their community to aspire to. Over two thousand votes were cast online and by paper ballots passed out and collected at churches, banks, stores, clubs, art shows, schools, sporting events and meetings. The word BELIEVE was elected and Mia went to work designing what would ultimately become an awe inspiring 19′ x 93′ mural mantra on the side of Blackstone Pizza in downtown Iron Mountain. Along with Mia and her team of professional artists Tara Tavonatti and Nadia Jaime, the Svelata Foundation gave six scholarships to local high school students and two grants to local artists who worked side by side throughout the sixteen days it took to complete the work.

To view more pictures, including in-progress photos of the entire process of painting the mural, check out the Facebook gallery by clicking below.

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